Games from the German supplier appear on GambleScope, a well-known review site
With a huge catalogue of content such as in-depth casino and game reviews, GambleScope ( is rapidly becoming the first port of call for slot and online gaming fans. Designed to cover a variety of topics ranging from crypto casinos to casino bonuses, the site offers top picks, supplier reviews, and an extensive knowledge base where users can quickly find relevant and up-to-date information.
GambleScope also covers various countries and deep dives into the advantages and disadvantages of various casinos and game providers, while also maintaining a helpful section on gambling basics (like RTP, variance etc.) for those players who may be new to the scene.
Being added to GambleScope further increases the exposure of Hölle Games, who are rapidly becoming more well-known, despite their young age. And with the next in line of their Classic series, “Eye of Nazar”, having just launched, players will no doubt be able to find all the details on GambleScope.
Hölle Games is a new, independent ‘Made in Germany’ video slots studio. Both MGA and ISO 27001 certified, they provide ‘Classic’ games German players love, such as Fruits, Bells XL and Höllische Sieben, while also producing a ‘Premium’ series of slots with unique artwork and cutting-edge game concepts, often carrying distinctive German product names that most Germans will instantly recognise, such as “Holla die Waldfee”. Furthermore, Hölle Games has produced a new and unique game mechanic called “Bonus Spin”, a player friendly and compliant solution for the German tax regulation, which they have invited other studios to freely use.
Besides being a games-company, Hölle Games is also a technology company and as such they do offer their in-house built Remote Gaming Server (RGS), called "Hinterzimmer", as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution, to allow anyone to develop real money casino-games.
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